What is wisdom?
Wisdom is often about truths whose opposite are truths.
Wisdom is about learning from one's mistakes - without beating oneself up.
Wisdom is about loving yourself, forgiving yourself, accepting yourself - but being honest with yourself, listening to criticism, and looking to grow.
Wisdom is about expecting and holding other people accountable - but also making them feel safe and forgiving them and giving them a second chance.
Wisdom is about preserving our traditions and institutions - without being hide-bound and closed.
Wisdom is about taking advantage of technology - without letting it control you.
Wisdom is about appreciating what we have - without needing it to be happy. About wanting the gold medal - without being defined by it.
Wisdom is about taking care of those around you and yourself - but also being carefree.
Wisdom is about knowing and respecting one's own needs - but also the needs of others.
Wisdom is about being considerate of others' needs - without endlessly self-monitoring.
Wisdom is about being a good partner - without becoming codependent.
Wisdom is about knowing how to balance taking care of the person in front of you - with a million lives on the other side of the globe.
Wisdom is about loving yourself, and being enough - but also being dependable and loving and part of a community.
Wisdom is about excitement, receptiveness, and spontaneity - but also being dependable and thinking about consequences.
Wisdom is about zooming out, but still staying at the level of the human. Because what matters most in a human life is hard to see in atoms or galaxies.
Wisdom is about treating this life as precious - but also being ready to die without rancour at any moment.