Contains these sub-pages
- Pronouns & plosive sounds - can you change society with a single word?
- Final dissertation
- Where has all my disk space gone? (Mac)
- Eroding our minds
- House MD, gibberish and clown school
- Why is it that chocolate and whisky help when I want a cigarette?
- Word pools for psychology experiments
- I don't believe in luck
- Assortative mixing for peer review
- Alleviating tinnitus, and the shape of the auditory phenomenological landscape
- We only use 10% of our brains?
- PyEPL blog
- Running a psychology experiment
- John Cunningham Lily, RIP
- Does eating salmon lower the murder rate?
- Procrastination
- Consciousness quote from Kinsbourne
- Atheists and foxholes
- Hot tips from the Viennese recliner
- Memories slipping through your fingers like sand...
- Steve Larson on Minsky's model 6 framework